拼音:chū qín英文解釋:
be out on duty; turn out for work中文解釋:
(1) ∶按時到崗位工作(2) ∶出外執行任務 >>查看“出勤”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 每天早上,老師都記下學生們到校、曠課以及遲到等出勤情況。Each morning the teacher marks the pupils present, absent or late.
- 每個小組自己登記出勤情況。Each group kept its own records of attendance.
- 由於經常按時出勤而獲獎win a prize for regularity of attendance
- 我知道教授會記錄我的出勤情況……I know that the professor will keep track of my attendance...
- 工廠出勤時間計時員記錄工作的時間。The factory timekeeper keeps account of the hours of work done.