拼音:chūn fēng 英文解釋:
spring breeze
(1) ∶春天的風春風十里揚州路,卷上珠簾總不如。——杜... >>
查看“春風”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
vernalbreeze 相關對話:
- 看他滿面春風,一點也不老。
Look at his bright face; he is not a bit old
- 我時下春風得意,上周提了工資,再過幾天又要作為公司的代表被派往義大利。
to represent the company in Italy
- 你的歌聲真是讓人如浴春風.
Your singing is so inspiring.
- 春風拂面。
A spring breeze is stroking the face
- 埃里克滿面春風地進來,帶來的全是好訊息。
Eric just breezed in, full of the good news.
- 滿面春風內心歡樂;眼帶憂傷心存憂慮。
A merry face is the sign of a happy heart, but sad eyes are sign of worry.
- 滿面春風
(a face) beaming with smiles; face wreathed in smiles
- 滿面春風的微笑,如帶著歡悅的或樂觀的
Smiling, as with happiness or optimism.