拼音:chuī xū de英文解釋:
1.vaunted 2.vaunty相關對話:
- 這家銀行大肆吹噓的保全設施完全無濟於事。The bank's much-vaunted security system failed completely.
- 他是個極其浮誇而且喜歡吹噓的人。He is a great, pompous bladder of a man
- 他的能力並不像他們吹噓的那樣大。His abilities are not what they were cried up to be.
- 我爸爸在大學時代是個不論喜怒哀樂都要嘮嘮叨叨講個沒完的人(或譯為:喜歡自我吹噓的人)。My dad had a song and dance act when he was in college
- 他吹噓的那個有錢的叔叔只是個烏有翁。The rich uncle of whom he boasts is only a myth