拼音:chuí xià 英文解釋:
come down; hang; hold down; swag; trail
flapdown 2.
holddown 3.
holddown 4.
lill 5.
pendency 6.
swag 7.
comedown 8.
droop 9.
hang 相關對話:
- 她垂下雙目以避免對視。
She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact.
- 垂布學者或神職人員長袍上從肩頭垂下的裝飾性披蓋布
An ornamental draping of cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe.
- 領帶從衣領前面垂下的兩條帶子,是牧師、學者或律師服裝的一部分
The two strips hanging from the front of a collar as part of the dress of certain clerics, scholars, and lawyers.
- 帽紗從婦女帽子後面垂下掉在其後部的細薄織物
A veil hung from a woman's hat and down her back.
- 從新娘的花束上垂下來的絲帶打成了一個結。
Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.