字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>炊具的英文翻譯 “炊具”的日文翻譯


拼音:chuī jù


cooking utensils; kitchenware


做飯用的器具、器皿 >>查看“炊具”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.cookware  2.haybox  3.kitchenutensil  4.cookware  


  1. 薩姆和他的妻子為了要不要買新炊具而爭論了好一會,薩姆不想買,可他的妻子想買。
    Sam and his wife had a running battle over whether they should buy a new cooker, Sam didn't want to get one but his wife did.
  2. 有些小炊具非但沒有用處反而礙事。
    Some kitchen gadgets are more of a hindrance than a help.
  3. 炊具周圍弄乾淨。
    Clean the area round the cooker.
  4. 炊具,廚灶烹調(食物)的東西,尤指用於蒸煮的用具或裝置
    One that cooks, especially a utensil or an appliance for cooking.
  5. 鍋帶有柄的一種圓形較深的炊具,通常還帶有蓋
    A round, fairly deep cooking vessel with a handle and often a lid
  6. 他為我安裝新炊具
    He fitted my new cooker.
  7. 照明、電源、電炊具插座
    A lighting, power, cooker point
  8. 我們把所有炊具都放在了架子上。
    Examples: We put the pots and pans all together on the shelf.
