拼音:chuàng zhì 英文解釋:
contrive; create; formulate; institute
(1).創建;創造。《管子·霸言》:“霸王之形,象天則地,化人易物,創製天下。... >>
查看“創製”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 一項法律的創製理由常常都會陳述在序言中。
The reasons for a law are often atated in a preamble
- 一種由美國南部的黑人創製的宗教歌曲。
a kind of religious song originated by Blacks in the southern US.
- 大麥1H特異性CAPs標記和ASA標記的創製
The Creation of 1H Chromosome-specific CAPs and ASA Markers of Barley
- 創製拼音文字
formulate an alphabetic system of writing
- 一種由美國南部的黑人創製的宗教歌曲。
a kind of religious song originated by Blacks in the southern US
- 番茄葉霉病高抗基因Cf-5的CAPS標記創製
A CAPS marker for leaf mould resistance gene Cf-5 in tomato
- 政府創製BOT項目特許權協定的基本原則初探
Research On Basic Principles of BOT Concession Agreement