拼音:chuán biàn 英文解釋:
go the rounds; resound相關對話:
- 一種奇異的痙攣的感覺傳遍她周身。
A curious spasm passed through her
- 謠言傳遍全鎮。
A rumor went through the town
- 那酒杯傳遍所有的客人。
The cup was handed around to all the guests.
- 他們努力不讓醜聞為人所知,可還是傳遍了整個學校。
They tried to hush up the scandal, but it spread all over the school.
- 倒閉的訊息通過小道很快傳遍了工廠。
The rumour of closure quickly spread through the factory by bush telegraph.
- 這件事傳遍了央抑。
It is all over the town.
- 我們猛攻的聲音傳遍戰場。
The clash of our onslaught hurtled across the field
- 聖尼可拉斯的傳奇故事立即傳遍了全歐洲。
Soon the legend of Saint Nicholas spread across Europe.