拼音:chōu yān zhě英文解釋:
- 吸入抽菸者所吐出的煙是件很不舒服的事。It is very uncomfortable to inhale the smoke of a cigarette smoker.
- 抽菸者可能不會採用吸食性的胰島素。Smokers would probably not be able to use the inhaled insulin.
- 我們常常聽說有關抽菸對抽菸者產生的不良影響。We hear a lot about the negative effects of smoking on the smoker
- 我們常常聽說有關抽菸對抽菸者產生的不良影響。We hear a lot about the negative effects of smoking on the smoker.
- 吸入抽菸者所吐出的煙是件很不舒服的事。It is very uncomfortable to inhale the smoke of a cigarette smoker