拼音:chōu tóu英文解釋:
take a percentage of a deal【計】 tapping point
(1) ∶由繞組抽出供接線用的線頭(2) ∶原指賭場主人從贏家所得中抽取一定數額... >>查看“抽頭”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tap 2.pigtail 3.wappingoff 4.tapping 5.vigorish 6.pigtail 7.thekitty例句:
- 抽頭撲克牌戲中每一次賭注的一部分湊集成的錢A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.
- 消弧線圈運行抽頭的選擇Selection of operational tap for arc suppresion coils
- 賭徒們獲取各自一份的抽頭。Gamblers get their shares of the rake-off.
- 賭場老闆提取20%作為抽頭。The boss of the gambling house raked off 2 0 % for himself .
- 抽頭撲克牌戲中每一次賭注的一部分湊集成的錢A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game
- 這種抽頭的利率或者數量The rate or amount of such a charge.
- 這種抽頭的利率或者數量The rate or amount of such a charge
- 抽頭式輕便交流弧焊變壓器設計與製造的幾個問題Disign and Manufacture of the Tapped Arc Welding Transfarmer