拼音:chóu qián英文解釋:
raise money相關詞條:
- 由於無法償還債務,那個農場主只好抵押田地和房屋來籌錢還債。As the farmer could not repay his debt, he tried to raise money on his land and building.
- 為謀種原因而籌錢的活動。a campaign to raise money for some cause.
- 為謀種原因而籌錢的活動。a campaign to raise money for some cause
- 為一事業或計畫籌錢。raise money for a cause or project.
- 他們正在籌錢,準備建一個研究中心。they were raising money to build a new center for research.
- 他們正在籌錢,準備建一個研究中心。they were raising money to build a new center for research