拼音:chóu méi 英文解釋:
【醫】 omega melancholicum中文解釋:
發愁時皺著的眉頭愁眉不展 >>
查看“愁眉”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 她似乎有心事——整個上午都愁眉不展的。
Something seems to be eating her-she’s been wearing a frown all morning.
- 他愁眉苦臉地躺在床上。
he fell morosely on the bed.
- 你看起來(有點)愁眉苦臉。
You look (a little bit) down in the dumps
- 來,振作起來,你看上去一副愁眉苦臉的樣子。
Come on, cheer up! You look like a dying duck I a thunder storm
- 我倒是願意看到她愁眉苦臉。
I would have preferred her to be sad.
- 以威脅或愁眉苦臉的方式。
in a menacing or scowling way.
- 愁眉不展
a dusky frown
- 他的額頭皺成一愁眉苦臉。
His forehead knitted into a perplexed frown