拼音:chòu mà 英文解釋:
curse; invective; inveigh; scold angrily中文解釋:
(1) ∶辱罵性的批評我遭到新聞記者的臭罵,他們以為我背叛了(2) ∶嚴厲的斥罵... >>
查看“臭罵”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
HailColumbia 2.
ballocking 3.
bollocking 4.
revile 例句:
- 那孩子因在游泳池裡胡鬧而挨了一頓臭罵。
The boy received a bad scolding for cutting up in the swimming pool.
- 那人突然發起火來,臭罵了他一頓。
The man rounded on him with a torrent of abusive language.
- 他對那把墨水倒翻在書上的孩子臭罵了一頓。
He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.
- 為那事我把他臭罵了一頓。
I gave it to him hot for that matter.
- 她剛才劈頭蓋臉地給了他一通臭罵。
She has just given him a good scolding right to his face
- 湯姆又工作得這么晚,肯定要挨他太太一頓臭罵。
Tom will get hell from his wife for working so late again.
- 當他被控犯偷竊罪時,他氣呼呼地把我臭罵一頓。
When he was accused of stealing he raved wildly against me .