字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>仇恨的英文翻譯 “仇恨”的日文翻譯


拼音:chóu hèn


animosity; enmity; hate; hatred


(1) ∶仇視憤恨無限仇恨記心中(2) ∶強烈的敵意強烈的不滿已發展成為仇恨 >>查看“仇恨”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 她向前走了一兩步, 以仇恨的目光瞪著敵人。
    She advanced a step or two and glared hate at the enemy.
  2. 刺耳尖叫完全沒有或有極微小的仇恨
    Piercing howl is absolutely zero (or an immesurably low amount of) hate.
  3. 哪為什麼把仇恨帶在身上呢?
    So why carry hatred with you?
  4. 他對敵人有刻骨的仇恨
    He conceived a profound hatred for his enemies
  5. 眼裡充滿仇恨的鄉親們,盯得那個叛徒垂了眼睛。
    The villagers, full of hate in their eyes, stared the traitor down.
  6. 每個等級的低吼對於不同等級的寵物來說都會製造一個最低的基礎仇恨值。
    Each rank of Growl has a minimum power based on the level of the pet
  7. 以報復性的、深藏仇恨的方式。
    in a vindictive, revengeful manner
  8. 他們不斷挑起民族爭端和煽動民族仇恨
    They kept stirring up national quarrels and feuds.
