拼音:chòu chóng英文解釋:
bedbug; chinch【醫】 bed bug; bedbug; cimices; clinocoris
一種無翅的身體扁平橢圓的吸血蝽類昆蟲( Cimex lectularius 普通... >>查看“臭蟲”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cimex 2.bug 3.stinkbug 4.clinocoris 5.mahoganyflat 6.gentlemaninbrown 7.Bflat中英例句:
- 臭蟲的最佳食物,是三人同睡一床。The best bait for bedbug is to sleep three in a bed.
- 走私者對在拖船中擁抱臭蟲的號手聳聳肩.The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.
- 臭蟲消滅器A bug zapper
- 你不妨象氈毯中的臭蟲那樣舒服地坐著。You might sit as snug as a bug in a rug
- 把一將比預期時間早地放棄自給的努力的自給的努力臭蟲固定在伺服器上Fixed a Fend bug that would abort the Fend prematurely on the server
- 臭蟲的最佳食物,是三人同睡一床。The best bait for bedbug is to sleep three in a bed