拼音:chǒng wù 英文解釋:
貓、狗等家庭飼養的觀賞小動物:寵物醫院|寵物商店。 >>
查看“寵物”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
pet 2.
cosset 3.
fondling 中英例句:
- 即使不給你照看那些生病的小寵物,我生活里的麻煩事就已經夠多了!
I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your sick pets!
- `你有什麽寵物嗎?'`有,我有三隻兔子和一隻烏龜。'
`Have you got any pets?' `Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise.'
- 有許多寵物因餵食過量而遭殃。
Many pets are victims of overfeeding.
- 不久我們搬家了,不得不?em>殉櫛鎪腿恕?
Before long our family moved and had to give the pet away.
- 這個小女孩摟抱著她的寵物貓。
The little girl cuddled her pet cat.
- 我養了一些小雞當寵物。
I breed some chicks for pets.
- 她的寵物是一隻毛粗而蓬鬆的狗。
Her pet is a shaggy dog.
- 我的女兒養了一隻兔子當做寵物。
My daughter keeps a rabbit as pet.