字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>衝上的英文翻譯


拼音:chōng shàng




  1. 當愛麗絲出現的瞬間,它們全都衝上來。
    They all made a rush at Alice the moment she appeared;
  2. 每天都有許多粗木頭被衝上西海岸。
    Big logs are washed up every day on the west coast.
  3. 漲潮把許多垃圾衝上了岸。
    A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide
  4. 他不顧後果,衝上前去幫助。
    He rushed toward to help,irrespective of the consequence.
  5. 死屍被潮水的流向衝上岸來了。
    The dead body was washed ashore by the drift of tide.
  6. 烈火轟隆隆衝上煙囪。
    The fire roared up the chimney.
  7. 迎頭浪衝上岩石四下迸濺。
    The surf broke on the rocks.
  8. 我得衝上樓趕緊把頭髮梳理一下。
    I must just dash upstairs and run a comb through my hair.
