拼音:chí xù shí jiān英文解釋:
duration【計】 duration
【化】 duration
【醫】 persistence time
1.endurancetime 2.durationoftime 3.timeofduration 4.enduranceperiod 5.lengthoftime 6.continuance例句:
- 很明顯,婚姻生活的持續時間與人的預期壽命有關。The duration of marriage is related most obviously to the expectation of life.
- 持續時間事物存在或持續的時間;持續時間The time during which something exists or lasts; duration.
- 租期這樣一種契約的期限或持續時間The term or duration of such a contract.
- 音延,音長元音發音的持續時間The duration of a vowel.