拼音:chī xīn英文解釋:
深深迷戀於某人或某事物 >>查看“痴心”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 為什麼這樣子蒼白、憔悴,痴心漢?Why So Pale and Wan?
- 祖母懷有幾分痴心,她很想去參加這個舞會。Grandmother has a bee in his bonnet about going to the dance.
- 我對我的女友痴心一片。I’m crazy about my girlfriend.
- 痴心女子負心漢an infatuated girl deserted by a heartless man
- 他們的那種痴心妄想永遠也不會實現。Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.
- 祖母懷有幾分痴心,她很想去參加這個舞會。Grandmother has a bee in his bonnet about going to the dance