拼音:chì pín英文解釋:
beggarliness; beggary【法】 abject poverty; penury; slum
窮得一無所有,極其貧窮赤貧如洗 >>查看“赤貧”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 這個男孩因赤貧而感到羞恥。The boy felt shamed of his abject poverty.
- 舊社會使他最終陷入赤貧的境地。In the old society he was finally reduced to a state of abject poverty.
- 她的一生是一個從赤貧走向暴富的故事。Her life is a rags-to-riches story
- 使成為貧民;使淪為赤貧To make a pauper of; impoverish.
- 舊社會使他最終陷入赤貧的境地。In the old society he was finally reduced to a state of abject poverty
- 這個男孩因赤貧而感到羞恥。The boy felt shamed of his abject poverty.