拼音:chì luǒ英文解釋:
亦作“ 赤倮 ”。亦作“ 赤躶 ”。裸露;赤裸裸。《雜譬喻經》卷十七:“時百官群... >>查看“赤裸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 赤裸的臀部The bared buttocks.
- 她赤著腳,這種赤裸反而進一步顯示了她的美。Her feet is bare, and their bareness is only a revelation of greater beauty
- 他因為赤裸著身體,不得不繼續呆在河裡。He had to remain in the river because of his nakedness.
- 蛋糕製造者無緣無故地用抖動的耙子搖一條赤裸的蛇The cake maker shakes a naked snake with the quaking rake without sake
- 這是赤裸裸的事實。It is a naked truth.
- 剝光除去遮蓋物;使赤裸To divest of covering; make bare.