拼音:chǐ lún zhuāng zhì英文翻譯
【機】 gearing相關詞條:
1.gearingtoothed-wheelgearing 2.gearing 3.gearedsystem例句:
- 齒輪裝置機械裝置中的一套齒輪及輪子裝置An arrangement of gears or wheels in a mechanical device.
- (汽車的)超速檔機動車輛的一種齒輪裝置,通過降低齒輪比率來減少為將車速保持在一定範圍內而需要的輸出力A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio.
- 這機器的齒輪裝置很特別。The gearing of this machine is unusual.