字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>車油的英文翻譯


拼音:chē yóu


【建】 car oil


  1. 把(汽車油門)踩到底
    To press(the accelerator of a motor vehicle) to the floor.
  2. 加速裝置加速器,如可以用來加速的汽車油
    A device, especially the gas pedal of a motor vehicle, for increasing speed
  3. 桑塔納轎車油門操縱桿斷裂分析
    Analysis on the Fracture of Oil Valve Opereating Rods of Santana Automobile
  4. 把(汽車油門)踩到底
    To press(the accelerator of a motor vehicle) to the floor
  5. 我們正在尋找汽車油封,請廠家聯繫我們.
    I am looking for oil envelop,IF YOU ARE FACTORY ,YOU CAN CONTACT US.
  6. 車油箱翻邊機設計
    Design of auto tank edge-turner
  7. 輕型汽車油箱端蓋成形新工藝
    A New Technology for Forming the End Cap of the Light-Auto Gasoline Tank
