拼音:chén sī英文翻譯
meditate; muse; ponder; commune; contemplate; ruminate; pore; reverie【醫】 rumination
1.Muse 2.meditate 3.rumination 4.ruminate 5.meditateon 6.poreon 7.ponderover 8.travelsintheblue 9.cogitation 10.speculation 11.thoughtfulness 12.communewithhimself 13.communewiththemselves 14.pensee 15.brood 16.beinabrownstudy例句:
- 畫中的年輕女孩帶著一副沉思而又嚴肅的神態。The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.
- 他沉思著過去的生活。He meditates on his past life.
- 他沉溺於沉思冥想。He was buried in meditation.
- 你今天總在沉思。You're very meditative today.
- 這女孩陷入了沉思。The young girl was lost in a muse.
- 她躺著沉思了一會兒。She lay musing for a while.
- 她似乎已陷入渾然忘我的沉思中。She seemed lost in contemplation.
- 每天早晨神父靜靜地沉思一小時。Each morning the priest spent an hour in quiet contemplation.