拼音:chéng zhǎng英文解釋:
come on; grow up; pullulate; round into; shape【機】 growth
(1) (2) 長到成熟階段(3) 向成熟階段發展 >>查看“成長”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pullulation 2.pullulate 3.roundinto 4.upspring 5.accrescence 6.stature 7.growth 8.grew 9.growing 10.upgrowth 11.comeon 12.development 13.shape例句:
- 風把雪吹積成長埂,堵塞了道路。The wind drifted the snow into a high bank, blocking the road.
- 里根先生將近2兆聯邦及貿易負債(亦即每戶3萬元)將是經濟成長的絆腳石。Mr.Reagan's nearly$2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or$30,000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth.
- 在黨的培育下,他已成長為一個優秀的戰士。Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter.
- 兒童的身體不斷發育成長。Children's bodies grow steadily.
- 他成長為一名堅強的領導人。He developed into a strong leader.