字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>稱謂的英文翻譯 “稱謂”的日文翻譯


拼音:chēng wèi


appellation; title


(1) ∶人們由於親屬和其他方面的相互關係,以及由於身分、職業等等而得來的名稱。... >>查看“稱謂”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 老婆男人用來稱呼其妻子的稱謂
    Used as a term of reference by a man of his wife
  2. 英漢親屬稱謂對比與分析
    The Comparison and Analysis of Kinship Titles in English and Chinese
  3. 我的問題是:稱謂後面是要用冒號、逗點還是破折號。
    My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.
  4. "Mr."和"Dr."都是稱謂
    "Mr." and "Dr." are prefixes.
  5. 閣下由羅馬主教授予男性神職人員的稱謂和官職
    A title and an office conferred on a male cleric by a pope
  6. 用於加拿大人的一般稱呼和對法裔加拿大人的特殊的稱謂的美式俚語。
    US slang for Canadians in general and French Canadians in particular.
  7. 我從不滿足於第二好這個稱謂
    I never settle for second-best.
  8. 摘要臟腑是中醫概念中特有的有差別的器官稱謂
    Zang-organ and fu-organ, are kinds of special names called in TCM.
