拼音:chéng shú de英文翻譯
mature; adult; full-blown; mellow; ripe; well-rounded【醫】 mature; ripe
1.grown-up 2.developed 3.fledged 4.full-fledged例句:
- 青少年已經歷青春發育期但未完全成熟的年輕人;十幾歲的青少年A young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity; a teenager.
- 可用於指婦女,含有端莊和成熟的意思。Handsome may be applied to women and suggest dignity and maturity.
- 計算機科學目前已是一門成熟的學科。Computer science is now a fully-fledged academic subject.
- 他對生活有種成熟的看法。He has a mellow attitude to life.