- 打造城市的黃金時代——彼得·霍爾的城市世界
To Build City into A Golden Age-The Urban World of Peter Hall
- 公園在俯瞰城市的小山上。
The park is on a hill overlooking the town
- 你所在城市的市長是誰?
What is the name of your mayor?
- 這座城市的成功很大程度上歸功於它的地理位置。
The city’s success owes much to its geographic position.
- 業已採取措施以解決大城市的交通問題。
Measures have been taken to solve traffic problem in big city.
- 他一連串報出了他所訪問過的城市的名字。
He rattled off the names of the cities he had visited.
- 我們需要更多警員來指揮這個城市的交通。
We need more police officers to direct traffic in this city.
- 這個被困城市的守軍寧死也不投降。
The defenders of the besieged city would rather die than surrender.