拼音:chéng rèn英文翻譯
acknowledge; admit; confess; grant; allow; concede; profess; recognize【經】 acknowledge; recognize
1.homologate 2.ownto 3.own 4.makenoquestionof 5.acknowledgment 6.acknowledgement 7.acknowledge 8.admitto 9.concede 10.shrift 11.avow 12.confesstodoingsth. 13.confess 14.approbatory 15.beconvincedthat... 16.confessto例句:
- 讓我們自己享受承認人類的弱點的快樂是一大慰藉。It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties.
- 他承認自己不夠條件[沒有資格]擔任那個職務。He recognized his lack of qualifications/that he was not qualified for the post.
- 他承認以前從未見過她。He confessed that he had never seen her before.
- 你必須承認我已經盡力了。You must concede that I have tried my best.
- 我承認你是對的。I concede that you are right.
- 他承認他錯了。He owns he was wrong.
- 要我承認錯了,是很費力的。It was painful to admit that I was wrong.
- 他的淵博的學識和工作能力得到了承認。His thorough knowledge and competence were recognized.