- 政府需動用更多經費重建舊城區。
More government money needs to go into rebuilding the inner cities.
- 這篇報導披露了舊城區的貧困真相。
The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities.
- 我們舊城區的住房需求一開始就受到誤解。
The housing needs of our inner cities have been misconceived from the start.
- 枯萎的玫瑰;被毀滅的城區。
a blighted rose; blighted urtan districts
- 瀋陽市老城區大舞台工地文物勘探報告
Excavation of the Dawutai in the Old Shenyang City
- 關於大連城區道路網系統規劃的對策研究
Study on the Planning of Network System of Dalian City Road
- 舊城區一直都是最受關注的熱點,也是改革的焦點。
The inner city has long been a focus for concern and reform
- 洛桑分上城區和下城區兩部分。
It has both an upper and lower town.