字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>成千的英文翻譯


拼音:chéng qiān




  1. 汽車每年造成千萬人的傷亡事故。
    Automobiles cause thousands of-ties every year.
  2. 這次強烈地震使成千上萬的人無家可歸。
    The violent earthquake left thousands of people homeless.
  3. 成千上萬隻燈籠慢慢漂向大海。
    Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea.
  4. 美國成千上萬的失業者靠領取政局救濟金生活。
    Thousands of Americans are out of jobs and may go on the dole.
  5. 觀眾成千上萬。
    There was a gate of thousands
  6. 成千上萬年輕人在第二次世界大戰中獻出了自己的生命。
    Thousands of young men made the supreme sacrifice during World War II.
  7. 瘟疫和饑荒把成千上萬的人送入了墳墓。
    The plague and the famine sent thousands of people to their long home.
  8. 現在仍然有成千上萬的人生活在貧困之中。
    There are still many thousands of people in want.
