拼音:chéng hūn英文解釋:
conjugate; couple; get married【法】 conclusion of marriage
結婚;兩家結成姻親,也可指訂好結婚日期良吉三十日,今已二十七,卿可去成婚。&md... >>查看“成婚”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 我希望我很快會遇上個心上人與其成婚,不然的話我就成老處女了。I hope I soon meet somebody I want to marry, otherwise I'll finish up an old maid.
- 公主那時即將成婚,人人都在首都等待這一盛典。The princess was getting married, and everyone was in town for the great occasion.
- 成婚; 完婚consummate a marriage
- (成交或成婚時的)握手用來表示諸如契約或婚姻的誓言的一種握手A handclasp used to signify a pledge, such as a contract or marriage
- 他草率成婚。He makes a hasty marriage
- 接著阿拉丁就去找國王了。公主很喜歡他,於是他們便成婚了。Then Aladdin went to the king. The Princess liked him. They were married.