拼音:chéng dān hòu guǒ 英文解釋:
【法】 take the consequence相關詞條:
tooktheconsequences 2.
takentheconsequences 漢語造句:
- 什麼也不能阻止他們,他們已準備好承擔後果。
Nothing could stop them, they were prepared to face the consequences.
- 誰不守法就應該承擔後果。
If one do not conform to the law, one must take the consequence.
- 在一次考試中那孩子作弊被當場抓住, 他只能自己承擔後果。
The boy was caught cheating in an examination and had to face the music.
- 我願意承擔後果。
I'm willing to accept the consequences.
- “勇於承擔後果”(facethemusic)是一句美國用語,這一點於1850年得到證實。
This is an Americanism that is first attested to in 1850.