拼音:chéng chuán英文解釋:
boat; embark; ship例句:
- 他明天要乘船去美國He will go to the USA by ship tomorrow.
- 李先生昨日乘船啟航去日本。Mr. Li set sail for Japan yesterday.
- 我們中午乘船去加來.We embarked for Calais at midday
- 我乘船去青島。I went to Qingdao by sea.
- 我們先到海邊,再從那裡乘船去法國。We made our way to the coast and thence by sea to France.
- 我們度假時,乘船巡遊了百慕達。We cruised to Bermuda on our vacation .
- 乘船航行,釣魚,我還騎馬了。B: I went sailing, fishing, and horseback riding
- 乘船旅遊travel on ships