拼音:chē kù英文解釋:
carbarn; garage; hangar中文解釋:
專用來存放汽車等的房屋 >>查看“車庫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.carbarn 2.carport 3.carthouse 4.shed 5.carpark 6.hangar 7.harbour漢語造句:
- `你的汽車在哪兒呢?'`?em>誄悼飫錚А?Where's your car?' It's in the garage.'
- 這所房子的一側建有一個車庫。There is a garage built onto the side of the house.
- 我們買不起汽車,沒有車庫的事就更不必說了。We can't afford a car, not to mention the fact that we have no garage.
- 約翰,你把車開進車庫里去。John, put the car into the garage.