拼音:chāo sù英文翻譯
overspeed; speed【化】 overspeed
1.HV 2.speed 3.overspeeding 4.excessvelocity 5.toexceedthespeedlimit 6.tospeed例句:
- 她兒子的駕駛執照上有兩次超速記錄。Her son has had two endorsements for speeding.
- 警察說他在高速公路上違章超速行駛。The police said he'd been speeding on the motorway.
- 他超速行車被(警察)逮住了。He was nabbed (by the police) for speeding.
- 他因超速行駛而被傳訊出庭。He was summonsed for speeding.
- 他因超速行車被罰款達200英鎊。He was fined for speeding to the tune of 200.
- 他因超速開車而被記錄在案。He was booked on a charge of speeding.
- 她因超速開車而被罰款。She was fined for driving above the regulation speed.
- 他被告發超速行駛。He was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit.