拼音:chāo chū 英文解釋:
exceed; go beyond; overstep; overtop
超越;超過。 南朝 梁 劉勰 《文心雕龍·序志》:“其超出萬物,亦已靈矣。... >>
查看“超出”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
gobeyond 2.
overtop 3.
outrun 4.
beyondtheboundsof 5.
overrun 6.
overstep 7.
overage 8.
exceed 9.
dominate 10.
above 例句:
- 它已經超出法院的許可權。
It has beyond the competence of the court.
- 當順序寫操作超出檔案原長度時,在檔案末端另分配給該檔案的空間量。
The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file.
- 結果超出了我們的期望。
The results have gone beyond our hopes.
- 事情很清楚,他未經批准就預訂了昂貴的新家具是超出了其職責範圍的。
It was clear that he had gone beyond his duty in ordering the new and very expensive furniture with out authority.
- 新聞節目超出了規定的時間。
The news programme overran the allotted time.