拼音:chǎn luǎn英文解釋:
lay eggs; oviposit; spawn【醫】 oviposit; oviposition
(1) ∶魚從體內排出卵(2) ∶指排卵(3) ∶ 生蛋 >>查看“產卵”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 帶卵的或產卵的Bearing or producing ova.
- 預測預報的美國白蛾產卵量與卵期研究Estimation of Egg Number and Oviposting Phase of Hyphantria Cummea Drury
- 它們在7月初到8月中這段時間產卵。They lay eggs from the beginning of July to the middle of August.
- 有些鳥飛到南方去尋找適合產卵的地方。Some birds fly south to find good breeding-grounds.
- 從海洋遷徙到淡水來產卵。migrating from the sea to fresh water to spawn.
- 這條鮭魚游到上游去產卵。The salmon swims upstream to spawn.
- 動物產卵或產生後代的地方。a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young.
- 從淡水中遷徙到海洋里產卵。migrating from fresh water to the sea to spawn.