字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>產量增加的英文翻譯


拼音:chǎn liáng zēng jiā


【經】 gain in yield


  1. 產量增加後分給雇員的額外獎金。
    an additional payment to employees as a means of increasing output
  2. 產量增加了百分之五。
    Output of steel has increased by 5 per cent.
  3. 這個汽車廠的產量增加到每年10, 000輛。
    The car factory increases its production to 10, 000 a year
  4. 這家工廠這個月生產的腳踏車的產量增加了。
    The factory has put out an increased number of bicycles this month.
  5. 產量增加後分給雇員的額外獎金。
    an additional payment to employees as a means of increasing output.
  6. kg-1,白菜產量增加18.2%~25.9%;
    kg-1 gave an yield increase of 18.2%?25.9% of Chinese cabbage.
  7. 這個汽車廠的產量增加到每年10, 000輛。
    The car factory increases its production to 10, 000 a year.
  8. 這家工廠的產量增加了20%。
    The output of this factory has increased by 20%.
