拼音:cháng tàn英文解釋:
deep sigh中文解釋:
悠長的嘆氣長嘆一聲 >>查看“長嘆”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 她在床上向後一躺,長嘆了一聲。She sighed as she lay back on the bed.
- 想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天長嘆。He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind.
- 他長嘆氣一聲。She gave a long sigh
- 我的畫筆依舊在長嘆!My paintbrush is under suspiration.
- 慨然長嘆heave a sigh of regret
- 我聽見她發出一聲長嘆。I heard her fetching a deep sigh.
- 她在床上向後一躺, 長嘆了一聲.She sighed as she lay back on the bed