拼音:chǎng suǒ英文解釋:
location; place; locale; room; site; stage【機】 place
建築物或地方公共場所 >>查看“場所”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.locus 2.locale 3.lieu 4.locality 5.ubication 6.room 7.situation 8.site 9.meridian 10.shameful 11.stead 12.space 13.seat 14.station 15.stage 16.concourse例句:
- 作為居住場所,這個島似乎為他提供了人們所想望的一切——除了謀生的條件之外。As a place to stay, the island seemed to him to offer all that the heart could desire except the means of earning a living.
- 在公眾場所遺棄雜物是妨害公眾利益的。It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.
- 說到網路,它們都有一個網址,“site”指的是一個場所,而網址就是每一台上網電腦所在的地址。And on the Web, there are Websites. A "site" is a place, and so a Website. And each site had its address.
- 大多數穆斯林婦女在公共場所都戴著面紗。Most Moslem women wear veils in public places.