字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>長河的英文翻譯 “長河”的日文翻譯


拼音:cháng hé


endless flow; long river


(1) ∶大河。特指黃河大漠孤煙直,長河落日圓。——唐&... >>查看“長河”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 在悠久的歷史長河中人類逐漸脫離野蠻狀態而進入文明。
    Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
  2. 青年朋友們,歷史是一條長河,它用波浪裹挾著我們。
    My young friends, history is a river that may take us as it will.
  3. 隨著日月的交替,這條長河也變得更加寬廣和不羈。
    And it grows wilder and wider as time passes.
  4. 俄羅斯的一條河流;歐洲最長河;流入裏海。
    A Russian river; the longest river in Europe; flows into the Caspian Sea
  5. 歷史的長河
    the long process of history
  6. 這是一條長河
    It is a long river.
  7. 青年朋友們,歷史是一條長河,它用波浪裹挾著我們。
    My young friends, history is a river that may take us as it will.
