拼音:cháng cháng 英文解釋:
often; frequently; generally中文解釋:
(1) 表示行為、動作發生的次數多,而且時間相隔不久他常常工作到深夜(2) 否... >>
查看“常常”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
eternally 2.
inthehabitof 3.
oft-times 4.
oft 5.
notseldom 6.
ofttimes 7.
atshortintervals 8.
atmoments 9.
everysooften 10.
everynowandthen 11.
notinfrequently 12.
oftentimes 13.
wont 14.
byandagain 相關對話:
- 飲酒過度的人常常失去記憶。
Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion.
- 黃昏時分她常常坐在花園裡。
She often sits in the garden at twilight.
- 她常常一邊看電視一邊織毛衣。
She often knits while watching TV.
- 微笑常常表示高興和友善。
A smile often denotes pleasure and friendship.
- 新鞋剛穿起來常常都是硬邦邦的。
Shoes are often stiff when they are new.
- 當地地主常常虐待農民。
The local lords often treated the peasants badly.
- 士兵常常要身臨險境。
A soldier often has to confront danger.
- 紅燈常常是危險的信號。
A red lamp is often a danger signal.