字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>產婦的英文翻譯 “產婦”的日文翻譯


拼音:chǎn fù


lying-in woman
【醫】 accouchee; parturient; puerpera; puerperant


稱臨近分娩至分娩後不久這一期間的婦女 >>查看“產婦”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 上海市20年剖宮產產婦死亡原因分析
    Analysis on Maternal Deaths of Cesarean Section in Shanghai
  2. 患者,33歲,初產婦,早期妊娠時檢查未看到異常。
    This is a 33-year-old, primigraida, with a normal first trimester screening
  3. MMP-9在胎膜早破產婦胎膜中的表達和意義
    Expression and meaning of MMP -9 in fetal membranes of PROM.
  4. 樣本是高雄地區129位產後六周的產婦接受問卷調查。
    A descriptive correlational method of investigation was implemented.
  5. 20名非產婦的BMD值作為對照。
    Comparisons were with BMD of twenty non--postpartumwomen.
  6. 母嬰同室住院產婦的健康教育效果評價
    Evaluation of health education on DRI parturients
  7. 剖腹產63例,占31.5%,產前選擇剖腹產婦女24例,占12.0%。
    24 women(12%) wanted to choose Caesarean section to give birth.
  8. 樣本是高雄地區129位產後六周的產婦接受問卷調查。
    A descriptive correlational method of investigation was implemented
