拼音:chāi chuān英文解釋:
expose; unmask中文解釋:
點破;說穿這一記載似乎拆穿了古代信條的虛偽性 >>查看“拆穿”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 關於有可能再發生一次嚴重地震的謠言已被拆穿。Rumors of another major quake are dismissed.
- 拆穿謊言nail a lie to the counter
- 你說的話把他的騙人把戲拆穿了。What you say knocks the bottom out of his attempt to deceive us.
- 拆穿西洋景expose sb.'s tricks; strip off the camouflage
- 在我拆穿他的大話後,他讓步了。He backed down after I saw his mistake.
- 我們要拆穿那個卑劣騙子的假面具。We shall unmask that cowardly cheat.