拼音:céng jīng 英文解釋:
at one time; ever; once
——用在動詞前面,表示某種動作、行為或情況是以前某段時間... >>
查看“曾經”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 這首詩曾經被譜過曲嗎?
Has the poem ever been set to music?
- 在此之前它曾經拒絕任何形式的國際支援。
It had previously rejected any foreign offers of help.
- 你曾經聽說過迪斯尼樂園嗎?
Have you ever heard of Disneyland?
- 孔夫子曾經說過,“有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎”
Confucius once said, "what a joy it is to have friends coming from afar!"
- 錢女士,這位上海的跳槽姑娘說,金錢曾經是她挑選工作的首要因素。
Ms. Qian, the Shanghai job-hopper, says money used to be a prime motivator.
- 你曾經去過澳大利亞嗎?
Have you ever been to Australia?
- 烏鴉樂團的主唱亞當·杜里茲曾經和考克斯和安尼斯頓都傳出過緋聞.
Counting Crows lead singer Adam Duritz was linked to both Cox and Aniston.
- 曾經滄海難為水。
To a sophisticated person there is nothing new under the sun.