拼音:cè lüè de 英文解釋:
politic; resourceful; tactful; tactical例句:
- 阻撓議事的情形套用這種拖延策略的實例
An instance of the use of this delaying tactic.
- 他說出這種不策略的話是得不得體的。
It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark.
- 籠型異步發電機的直接轉矩控制策略的研究
Research of the DTC Control Strategy for Cage-type Induction Generator
- 基於MTO經營策略的訂單完成策略研究
Order Fulfilling Policies Based on MTO Business Policy
- IEEE802.11e中基於無確認策略的EDCA機制研究
A study of EDCA based on no ACK of IEEE802.11e
- 這個策略的可行性仰賴的是經濟原理。
The feasibility of this strategy relies on economics.
- EJB容器及JDO策略的研究與實現
Research of EJB Container and Implementation of JDO