拼音:cè huà英文解釋:
engineer; hatch; machinate; mastermind; plan; plot; scheme【經】 plot
設計規劃;密謀計畫。也作“策畫”值班人員會立刻斷定這是存... >>查看“策劃”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.machination 2.machinate 3.mastermind 4.formascheme 5.contriveascheme 6.hatchout 7.layascheme 8.planout 9.intrigue 10.meditate 11.beuptosomething 12.hatch 13.plotting 14.devisal 15.stage 16.getinaword中英例句:
- 他是幕後策劃人。He is behind the plan.
- 策劃一個推翻政府的陰謀Brew a plot to overthrow the government.
- 這本書的作者是一個退休上校,他過去常參與策劃間諜活動。The book was written by a retired colonel who used to take part in cloak and dagger plots.
- 陰謀的幕後策劃者經過簡短審訊便被處決了。The mastermind behind the scheme is executed after a brief trial.
- 他們正在幕後策劃一個陰謀。They are brewing a plot behind the scenes.