拼音:cǎo sù英文解釋:
【建】 clitocybin例句:
- 不同產地花生殼中木犀草素的HPLC測定HPLC Determination of Luteolin of Peanut Hull from Different Regions
- 木犀草素體外抗柯薩奇B_3病毒的作用In vitro anti Coxsackie B_3 virus effect of Luteolin
- 紫朱草根,紫朱草素該種植物的根或從其根部提取的染料The root of this plant or the red dye extracted from the root.
- HPLC測定野菊花中蒙花苷與木犀草素的含量Determination of linarin and luteolin in Flos Chrysanthemi Indici by HPLC
- 結果 :木犀草素的最大無細胞毒濃度為 9.75μl/ml。RESULTS:The maximal non toxic concentration of Lut was 1∶512 (9.75μg/ml).