- 草率的努力草率地或毫無熱情地做出的表面上的努力
A superficial effort made without care or enthusiasm
- 他們花了一個月時間草率地拍成了那部電影。
They slapped the movie together in a month
- 由於普通的刺激人們草率地向前沖。
a headlong rush of people on a common impulse
- 我在催逼之下草率地做出了不智的決定。
I was hurried into making an unwise decision.
- 急速草率地行事倉促或草率地安排或做
To arrange, do, or make hastily or carelessly.
- 涉獵草率地或者沒有嚴肅目的地做某件事
To undertake something superficially or without serious intent.
- 草率地對待或避免適當地解決。
treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly.
- 匆匆地或草率地簽訂一個條約
Huddle up a treaty