拼音:cán zhā英文解釋:
leavings; offal; residual; residue; rinsing; scran; sullage【化】 residue
【醫】 marc; R.; residue; residuum
(1) (2) 在過濾時沉澱在過濾介質上的固體(3) 風化後除幾乎不溶的成分外全... >>查看“殘渣”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.offscouringsoffscourings 2.slag 3.remains 4.residualslag 5.trub 6.residum 7.caputmortuum 8.lees 9.offscourings 10.pressresidue 11.silt中英例句:
- 她把殘渣倒掉了。She poured the remains away.
- 渣釀白蘭地酒由葡萄或蘋果殘渣釀成的白蘭地Brandy distilled from grape or apple residue.
- 我的桌上有食物殘渣,我用餐巾清乾淨。My table had food on it so I cleaned it with my napkin.
- 把殘渣從洗滌槽沖走Flush waste down a sink
- 莫來石結合剛玉磚在DMT殘渣爐上的套用Application of mullite bonded corundum brick in DMT residual slag furnace
- 我把茶的殘渣也喝光了。I finished the dregs of my tea.